Welding Technology
Darin Newman
Phone: 417-345-1460
Email: darin.newman@bisonpride.org
- A.A., Wentworth Military
- Academy and Junior College
- AWS Certified Welder, Inspector, and Instructor
- OSHA Certified
- Forklift Certified
- 7 Years Military Experience
- 37 Years Industry Experience
Course Description
The Welding Technology program is designed and follows the AWS SENSE (Schools Excelling through National Skill Standards Education) certification program; to teach all major welding and cutting processes as set forth by the American Welding Society, as well as to refine skills needed to be successful in the welding field and related work areas. Whether students go to work or choose to further their education, they will excel because of the knowledge and skills they have obtained from the Welding Program at the Technical Center. Students have the opportunity to become an AWS Certified Welder and obtain AWS SENSE level 1 National Certification, and a member of the DCTC Student Chapter of the American Welding Society, AWS District 17- Section 136/Ozark section, as well as a member of Skills USA.
Course Objectives
Occupational Orientation Safety and Health of Welders Drawing and Welding Symbol Interpretation Shielded Metal Arc Welding I Shielded Metal Arc Welding II Thermal Cutting Processes Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW-S, GMAW spray transfer) Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW-G/GM, FCAW-S) Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) Welding Inspection and Testing Principles
Industry Certifications
AWS SENSE Level 1 Certification
AWS Welder Certification
OSHA 10 Safety Certification
Forklift Operator Certification.
Articulated Credit
WELD 116 WLD130- Drawing and Welding Symbol Interpretation
WELD 120 WLD140- Shielded Metal Arc Welding I
WELD 126 WLD150- Gas Metal Arc Welding WLD160- Fluc Core Arc Welding
WELD 132 WLD170- Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
WLD 111 Shielded Metal Arc Welding I
WLD 112 Shielded Metal Arc Welding II
WLD 113 Gas Metal and Flux Corded Arc Welding
WLD 114 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
Related Occupations
Many welding jobs can be done right out of high school with no additional education required. While most welding students will be ready to enter the vast field of welding right out of high school there are many opportunities available with additional education/training: specialized welding process training in pipe and underwater welding, welding engineering, welding metallurgy, business manager, Government, US Military, and research. There is an increase by 26% for jobs across the nation.
Related Occupations:
Pipe Welder
Welder Fitter
Welder Operator Owner
Quality Control
Metal Fabrication
Underwater Welding
Oil and Gas
Power Generation
Welding Engineering
Missouri: $73,373
National: $65,001