Collision Repair Technology
Bobbie Davidson
Phone: 417-345-1460
Course Description
The Collision Repair Technology program provides the student with the basic knowledge and skills that are necessary for the repair and refinishing of the modern automobile. It provides an understanding of how cars and trucks are constructed through study in class. It also covers a wide range of manipulative skills through shop work which includes sheet metal straightening, welding, fiberglass and plastic work, panel replacement, glass replacement, as well as painting and refinishing and damage appraisal.
Course Objectives
- Identify opportunities in the auto collision repair industry; demonstrate the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to be a competent collision repair technician.
- Identify and use hand and power tools in a safe manner.
- Set up and use a mig welder
- Demonstrate metal straightening techniques.
- Demonstrate body-filling techniques.
- Repair, Replace, and adjust body panels.
- Identify and demonstrate proper safety procedures used in refinishing, demonstrate proper techniques in surface preparation, identify refinishing equipment and their uses.
- Demonstrate the proper technique for mixing, matching, and applying paint.
- Identify and solve paint application problems, paint finish defects, causes and cures.
- Demonstrate proper final detailing techniques.
- Identify and demonstrate personal qualifications that are important in acquiring and maintaining employment as a collision repair technician.
- Students will be active participants in the intra-curricular career and technical organization, SkillsUSA.
Through participation in this organization, students: prepare themselves to be America’s high
performance workers, experience quality education experiences for students in leadership, teamwork,
citizenship and character development.
Articulated Credit
ABR 100 Non-Structural Analysis I
ABR 110 Paint and Refinish Preparation
ABR 113 Damage Repair Metal Weld/Cut
ABR 200 Non-structural Analysis
ABR 248 Paint Color Application
ABR 255 Paint Detail and Defects
Industry Certification
ASE certification
ICAR certification
S/P2 safety certification
Related Occupations
A majority of automotive technicians are employed by new car dealers, independent repair shops, or parts distributors. Some are self-employed. With the increasing complexity of automotive technologies and growing vehicle price tags, the highest demanding and best paying jobs as an automotive service professional will be plentiful for those who finish a post secondary formal training program. As of 2016 there were 749,900
automotive tech/mechanic related jobs, this is expected to grow by at 6% by 2026.
Related Occupations:
Automotive Service Technician
Automotive Mechanic
Claims Adjuster/Appraiser
Automotive Body Repair
Automotive Paint Specialist
Missouri: $39,660
National: $45,630