Agriculture Education Programs
MaryAnn Boro
Phone: 417-345-1460
- B.S. Agriculture Education, MSU
- B.S. Horticulture, MSU
- M.S. Natural and Applied Sciences, MSU
- Ed.S. Professional Leadership, UCM
- 11 Years Experience
Joey Stokes
Phone: 417-345-1460
B.S. Agriculture Education, MSU
M. Ed. Education Administration, SBU
S. Ed. Educational Leadership, SBU
15 Years Experience
Buffalo High School Agriculture Courses include:
Agricultural Science I
1 credit
(Grades 9-10)
This is an introductory course to Agricultural Education for first year agricultural students. Emphasis is placed on the study of basic animal production including livestock identification and selection, care and maintenance of dairy cattle, horses, swine, sheep, beef cattle and small animals. Other areas included in this course of study are beginning record keeping, agri-careers, supervised occupational experience program, basic agri-mechanics (welding), and basic leadership skills which prove to be of great importance in the FFA and beyond high school. Approximately four weeks of this course is spent on the study of agri-mechanics which includes shop work. Although not required, students are strongly encourage to join FFA since it is an integral component to ag education. Record books and an SAE component is essential and will be required in class.
Ag Science II (Horticulture/Plant Science)
1 credit
(Grades 10-11) (Prerequisite: Ag Science I)
This course is a continuation of the basic agri-science dealing primarily with the plant side of agriculture. Emphasis is placed on basic plant make-up, small grains, soils, field crops, career development, advanced record keeping, improved S.A.E.P., and advanced leadership development. Although not required, students are strongly encourage to join FFA since it is an integral component to ag education. Record books and an SAE component is essential and will be required in class.
Ag Science II (Mechanics/Structures)
1 credit
(Grades 10-11) (Prerequisite: Ag Science I)
This course is a continuation of the basic agriculture mechanics, structures and construction. Emphasis is placed on basics mechanics, structures, construction, welding, soils, career development, advanced record keeping, improved S.A.E.P., advanced leadership development and woodworking. The class does include extensive shop work. Although not required, students are strongly encouraged to join FFA since it is an integral component to ag education. Record books and an SAE component is essential and will be required in class.
Landscaping/Greenhouse (Dual Credit MSU – West Plains)
1 credit 3 hours college credit
(Grades 11-12) (Prerequisite: Ag I) Students are required to pay the dual credit tuition to the school the student is receiving college credit from.
Students may earn 3 college credits per semester from Missouri State University – West Plains. This course deals with the basic understanding of greenhouse and nursery landscaping concepts. The production of green-house crops will be used to demonstrate these procedures. Plants that are started from cutting, seeds, grafts or by layering will be used for plant identifications. Students will manage their own crop as identification will also be a large part of this course. Although not required, students are strongly encourage to join FFA since it is an integral component to ag education. Record books and an SAE component is essential and will be required in class.
Conservation I and II (Dual Credit MSU – West Plains)
1 credit 3 hours college credit
(Grades 11-12) Students are required to pay the dual credit tuition to the school the student is receiving college credit from.
Students may earn 3 college credits per semester from Missouri State University- West Plains. This course is designed for the study of fish and wildlife as it affects and interacts with mankind. Emphasis is put on how wildlife interacts with man in the rural and urban settings. Areas covered may include grasslands, basic forestry, habitat management. Although not required, students are strongly encourage to join FFA since it is an integral component to ag education. Record books and an SAE component is essential and will be required in class.
Agricultural Leadership
1 credit
(Grades 11-12) (Prerequisites: Ag I and a C avg.)
In the world of business successful leadership skills are recognized and rewarded. This class is recommended for FFA officers and those interested in learning the skills required to run a successful organization. Students will create, plan, execute and complete various activities. The model for the class will, of course, be the FFA but these skills and activities will be normal operations for nearly every club or organization. Some skills covered in leadership will be chapter operations, scrap booking, officer duties and responsibilities, parliamentary procedure, setting up and running meetings, leadership and personal development activities, activity planning, fundraising, applications to recognize success and record book keeping. Although not required, students are strongly encourage to join FFA since it is an integral component to ag education. Record books and an SAE component is essential and will be required in class
Agricultural Construction
1 credit
(Grades 11-12)
This course will be developed into a project construction class reinforcing learned skills through practical application. Each student will be required to complete projects assigned and/or projects of their choice. Although not required, students are strongly encourage to join FFA since it is an integral component to ag education. Record books and an SAE component is essential and will be required in class.
Advanced Livestock Production and Management (Dual Enrollment MSU – West Plains)
1 credit 3 hours college credit
(Grades 11-12) (Prerequisite: Ag I) Students are required to pay the dual credit tuition to the school the student is receiving college credit from.
Students may earn 3 college credits per semester from Missouri State University – West Plains. This course includes advanced study in animal production, breeding, selection, health, nutrition, feeding, facilities, herd management, marketing, production records, enterprises, and leadership. Although not required, students are strongly encourage to join FFA since it is an integral component to ag education. Record books and an SAE component is essential and will be required in class.
Articulated Courses - OTC
AGR 160 | Animal Science |
AGR 210 | Wildlife Managment |
AGR 220 | Ag. Business Managment |
AGR 180 | Plant and Soil Science |
AGR 212 | Greenhouse Horitculture |
AGR 214 | Landscape Design |
Dual Credit - MSU West Plains
AGR 112 | Intro to Ag. Business |
AGR 115 | Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment |
AGR 101 | Animal Science |
AGR 170 | Intro to Horticulture |
AGR 172 | Greenhouse Management |